Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spring, Snowstorm, Super Bowl

We went from spring time 70 degree weather and playing outside in the grass...

To 14 inches of snow 3 days later....the weathermen deemed it Snowpocalypse 2011...

After being stuck inside most of the week it was time for the Super Bowl XLV. The Packers and The Steelers. Now I have been a Packers fan since I was a little kid. Back in the Brett Farve days. The Packers won and we had a great time watching the game at my parents with Nanny, Papa, Mom, Dad, Aaron, and Alex. Thanks to Alex for our delish Green Bay Packers Cupcakes.
Lemon Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Icing. LOVE THEM and the baker :)

We will see what this week brings. They are predicting another 6-12 inches of snow on Wednesday. I can only hope!!!

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