Monday, May 13, 2013

Grayson Daniel 6 Months

Sweet baby Gray,

My little 6 month old. I can not even believe how fast your little life is going. Each day we love you more than the day before. You have the sweetest spirit and constantly bring us joy. Here is what you have been up to this last month.

* Size 6-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers. 18.4 pounds (50th percentile) 27.75 inches (90th percentile)

* You are eating 6oz of breastmilk/formula every 4 hours.

*You go to bed anywhere from 8-9pm and wake up between 6-7am

*One of the new things you do is if you aren't rubbing your precious little head while you eat you have your left arm laying across your eyes to cover them up and block out all distractions. So cute!

* The day after you turned 6 months old (April 30th) your first tooth came in. It was your bottom right one.

*Right before 6 months you hit a growth spurt and have been waking up once in the night to eat again. Wearing this Mommy out.

* You won't put weight on your legs for anything. I try to stand you up and your little legs tur to jello and down you go.

* You are the happiest baby all the time. Unless you're hungry or sleepy that is.

* God gave you a good set of lungs and you aren't afraid to use them. Just like your brother. When you are upset, which is rare, everyone knows!

* You still sleep in bed with me and I love having you next to me. I still miss your brother sleeping next to me so I will cherish every night with you.

* You do not like to be held to go to sleep anymore. You definitely prefer to be laying down in your bed. You mainly sleep on your side. In fact it is the only way you fall asleep but sometimes you roll onto your back during the night.

*I think your favorite place to be is outside. You will sit in your bouncer and kick like a little mad man happy as can be. We don't even have to be right next to you. Such a happy baby.

*You still love taking baths and enjoy splashing in the water.

*We will be starting real food next month. We aren't going to puree all of your food like we did for Hudson. Pretty sure that's why he has texture issues. Your food will either be mashed up with a fork or steamed and cut into little bites you can grab.

I can not put into words how much I adore you. I love everything about you. Your eyes, lips, fingers, your coos, smiles, laugh, the way you love your brother, the way you love me and your daddy, and the list could go on and on. I think you are simply the best baby for our family. We couldn't love you more. Keep smiling little one! The world is so much better with you in it!!!  You have my heart always and always.


1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! I'm thinking you have probably read "Baby-led Weaning"? But if not, you should check it out. We did a mix of purees and BLW with Nora and I guess here in a few years we will see if it paid off, hopefully she's not as picky as emmy is right now :)
