Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Legacy

The last couple of days I have been thinking alot about leaving a legacy. Tuesday is my sweet Papa's 84th Birthday. One day (hopefully not too soon) my Papa will leave a legacy and what a legacy it will be. What an incredible man. He loves his family with all of his heart and he loves his heavenly Father even more. Papa has worked hard his entire life. He has provided more for his family than most people will ever be able to have in their entire lives because of all his hard work. Even though having material things is nice, that is not what I will remember most. He has loved us unconditionally our entire lives. Every time our family is together for meals Papa always prays the most incredible prayers. They will never be forgotten. His love for our Father is indescribable. Not only does he NEVER miss his quiet time, but it is the FIRST thing he does every day. Jesus' light shines through him every single day in everything he does. Papa is truly a man of God. I have always looked up to him in everything he does. Such a wonderful man. Happy 84th Birthday Papa, thank you for being you!!!

I want to leave a legacy people will remember. I pray that God shines through me in the way I treat my husband, children, parents, brother and friends. Not only those I'm close to but I pray the people I come in contact with on a daily basis at the store, while driving, at restaurants and whoever else I run into. I want to love without looking back or being afraid of being hurt. I want to treat people the way people treat a baby. Having Hudson has really opened my eyes in more ways than one. People look at him and smile instantly. Is it innocence of a baby that makes people of all ages willing to open up and talk to them? Why don't we treat everyone the way we treat babies? Why is it so hard for us to smile at people and be friendly to everyone? How many more people might see the love of Christ if we actually acted the way He did and treat people the way we treat little children? I hope God gives me the grace and willingness to treat people how he treats them. To love them the way I love all babies. To smile and be friendly even when I'm not having a good day or am in a hurry. I pray to raise my children in a way to help in leading them to become fully devoted followers of Christ. I want to love my husband with an undying love and show him everyday how much he means to me. I pray that each day I wake up and thank God for the day he has given me and live each and every day like it could be my last. But most importantly I want to be a child of mercy and grace who blessed His name unapologetically. I pray one day people will remember my legacy. What will your legacy be?

Monday, October 18, 2010

2 Years Down, Many More To Come

Two years ago around this time we were dancing the night away at our wedding reception with some of our best friends! Time sure flies by! In two years we have been on quite a ride, but I wouldn't have wanted to go through it with anyone else. God truly made us for each other and we balance each other perfectly! I would be a basket case without Bryan and he would be way to laid back without me ;) In these two years we bought our first house and had a baby. Now if someone had ask me in highschool where I would be at 24 I would have hoped to have everything I have but never dreamed it would really happen. We have truly enjoyed making our house our home and welcoming our sweet little man into our family.

Thank you Bryan for being my very best friend and putting up with all of my craziness! :) I love how you love me and Hudson. You are a wonderful husband and terrific father. Hudson is one lucky little man to have somebody like you to look up to! I pray we have more years together than we can count! I love you!

6 Months

Hudson Joshua

You have gone from my precious little newborn to a grubby
little 6 Month Old! You will always be my little man!

Here's what you are up to these days...
*You are eating oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, acorn squash, plums, bananas, and pears, plus your formula.
*You prefer your veggies over fruit!
*You just recently decided to change your bedtime from 8-9pm to around 7-7:30pm
*You wake up every day around 5 and then want to get in bed with Mommy and Daddy and will go right back to sleep until 6-7am
*You wear Size 3 Pampers Cruisers
*Except for a few shirts from Gap you wear all 6-9 Month clothes and your 6-9 Month PJ's will not fit in the length for much longer
*At your 6 Month doctors appointment you weighed 18lbs 11oz and were in the 70th percentile for weight, you were 28 inches tall and in the 97th percentile for height! I think your gonna out grow me someday soon
*Your favorite game to play is "Where's Hudson" anything you can reach you put over your face and as soon as I say Where's Hudson you jerk it down with a big smile on your face.
*Just this week you decided you want to drink whatever Momma and Daddy are drinking and you are actually pretty good at drinking the water and not spitting it all out.
*You have learned the sign language signs for milk, eat, and all done. Even though you can't sign them to us yet, you definitely know exactly what we are talking about!
*Your favorite toy is by far your jumperoo and if I would let you, you could spend hours just jumping away.
*You decided on Sunday that you no longer want to lay on your back and roll to your tummy almost immediately and start trying to pull yourself. You will be crawling soon!
*You love to sit in your Bumbo and play with your spinning toy that suctions to the tray.
*You are completely amused by the dogs and reach out for Emma anytime you see her walk by
*When ask "Where's Momma or Dadda" you always smile and hide your face or look right at us. It is so rewarding for us!
*Bathtime is probably your favorite thing in the world and splash the entire bathroom as you play.
*You are a chatter box all day long
*We recently started calling you Puppy because when you are upset you sound just like a puppy crying.
*You went on your first vacation to Chicago and did WONDERFUL
*You LOVE to ride around in your stroller and watch people
*One of the only ways for Mommy to calm you down is to sing "Until You" to you
*You have been having bad dreams and sound like you are crying in your sleep and then will start screaming bloody murder. It breaks my heart everytime and half the time I cry with you. Last night I prayed for you before you went to sleep and no bad dreams! Never forget how much your Savior loves you!

Hudson we love you more than life itself and thank God for you every single day!
