Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays

Last night we celebrated Whitney and Aaron's birthdays. Whits was a little late and Aaron's was a little early. Regardless a good time was had by all. In just two short years our family of ten has grown to fourteen and I LOVE it. We all have so much fun together.

The birthday kiddos

All us kids

Aaron & Alex

Mimi, Popi & baby Hudson

My Momma & sweet baby

My sweet little family!

Can't wait for our next family birthday celebration.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spring, Snowstorm, Super Bowl

We went from spring time 70 degree weather and playing outside in the grass...

To 14 inches of snow 3 days later....the weathermen deemed it Snowpocalypse 2011...

After being stuck inside most of the week it was time for the Super Bowl XLV. The Packers and The Steelers. Now I have been a Packers fan since I was a little kid. Back in the Brett Farve days. The Packers won and we had a great time watching the game at my parents with Nanny, Papa, Mom, Dad, Aaron, and Alex. Thanks to Alex for our delish Green Bay Packers Cupcakes.
Lemon Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Icing. LOVE THEM and the baker :)

We will see what this week brings. They are predicting another 6-12 inches of snow on Wednesday. I can only hope!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

10 Months Old

At the risk of sounding redundant, I can't believe another month has flown by. It is getting closer and closer to April and your 1st birthday. It doesn't seem possible. You bring me joy every day and I can't imagine spending my days any other way than with you. I love you little man.

Here's what you have been up to....

*You started crawling and you are so much happier now that you are mobile. Except you get really mad when you follow me and then by the time you get there I move again. :)
*You got two teeth right after you turned 9 Months and your first top tooth came in on your 10th Month b-day. Your other top tooth should be in any day.
*Size 4 Cruisers
*12-18 Month clothes
*Last Monday you took 5 steps by yourself and will be walking any day. Each day you become braver and let go of the furniture more often.
*You are into EVERYTHING!!!! But your favorite thing is to open and close cabinets. You could care less about whats inside (thank goodness).
*You love to sit and shake things in your hands over and over and over. Sometimes you get going so fast you fall over backwards.
*You say Momma, Dadda, and try your best to say fishies
*You are eating just about anything and are starting to eat some of what we are eating.
*YOU ARE SLEEPING IN YOUR CRIB!!! For most of the night anyway. :) You usually wake up at some point and Momma comes and gets you and puts you in our bed. Lots of people tell us its a bad habit, and it just might be. But these are some of my favorite moments with you and I plan on cherishing them as long as I can. Some day I will miss your sweet snuggles or you falling asleep holding onto my hand.
*You love to read. I will come back into the room cause your talking away and its because you are reading your books. PRECIOUS
*You try to pick up the phone and hold it to your ear. Anytime I'm on the phone I put it on speaker phone so you can talk to whoever is on the other line. You get so excited and laugh every time.
*You are drinking several of your bottles out of sippy cups every day and we are going to keep on transitioning to them.
*You are trying to climb over everything possible.
*You are still completely amused by the doggies and will stand at their gate and talk to them.
*You learned how to clap today. You have been clapping all your toys together for a long time, but hadn't figured out how to clap just your hands together.
*The only TV show you will watch without turning your head is The Wiggles. Its so cute to watch you while it is on.

Can't wait for the next crazy month with you my little man. My life is so much better with you in it!
Love you little monkey