Friday, April 29, 2011

7 Things I Love About You

While looking at Twitter this morning I saw a friends post that said to take a moment of your day and write down 7 things you love about each person in your family and then share with them what you wrote. I decided I had plenty of extra time to jot down a few things about my sweet husband and baby boy and then decided to go on to the rest of my immediate family. I strongly suggest doing the same thing. It takes just a few minutes and was such a blessing even for me.

1. I love the way you love me.
2. I love the way you provide for me and Hudson.
3. I love the way you laugh and make me laugh.
4. I love how great of a Daddy you are to Hudson. He lights up when you walk in the room.
5. I love the way you kiss me. Sweet and perfect every time.
6. I love the way you believe you can build anything and given the resources I'm positive you could.
7. I love how goofy you are all the time.

1. I love the way you smile at me when I come get you out of your crib. It's a smile that could brighten anyones days.
2. I love the way you talk all the time even though no one knows what your saying. It's still precious.
3. I love the way you love music and dance every time you hear it.
4. I love your innocence and how you trust.
5. I love how much you love your Daddy and how you light up every time you see him.
6. I love the way you lay your head on my shoulder when a stranger talks to you and you act shy.
7. I love the way you laugh, it warms my heart and brightens my day every single time.

1. I love how close we are.
2. I love that you do your quiet time every day. You are such a godly example in my life.
3. I love how we can talk about absolutely everything.
4. I love the way you get worked up about little things and that I'm just like you.
5. I love how passionate about you are about everything in your life.
6. I love how much you love Hudson.
7. I love the way you have modeled a Godly relationship with Dad for all of my life.

1. I love how much I am just like you.
2. I love how you have taught by example how to be a wonderful parent.
3. I love your relationship with God.
4. I love that you loved/forgave me through my rebellious stage :)
5. I love that you always have an answer to all of my questions.
6. I love the way you have always worked so hard to provide for our family.
7. I love the way can always brighten my day even if its by making some smartie pants comment.

1. I love how much are relationship has grown in the last few years.
2. I love the man of God you have become.
3. I love to watch you interact with Hudson. Makes me smile.
4. I love listening to you play the piano. You really should do that more often :)
5. I love your passion for videography and the precious videos you have made for me.
6. I love the way you treat Alex and the wonderful husband I'm sure you will be.
7. I love the way you can always make everybody laugh even if you aren't trying to.

First off we still don't have a picture of the two of us. This needs to be fixed soon!
1. I love the fact that we are so much alike.
2. I love watching you and Aaron. You guys are perfect together.
3. I love that you just ran a freaking marathon. Your my inspiration that one day I might be able to do one! :)
4. I LOVE that you love comfy clothes as much as me! I had been the odd man out for long enough in our family.
5. I love how much you love Hudson. You are going to make a wonderful Momma some day! And I can't wait to have more nieces & nephews. ;)
6. I love how determined you are in everything you do.
7. I love how you send thank you cards for everything. Its so nice to know you have been appreciated and that there are other people out there like me that send cards for everything :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Grave Could Not Hold The King

Easter Sunday. What a wonderful holiday we get to celebrate. I felt so blessed to spend the day with my family. We all went to lunch together which has been a tradition for as long as I can remember. I can't wait until Hudson is old enough to start doing easter egg hunts. But more than that I literally can not wait until I get to tell him all about how Jesus loves him enough to die for him. Now that I have a little boy I can not even imagine giving up my child for the rest of the world. What an incredible sacrifice. Words don't do my feelings of gratitude justice. Last Easter God changed my life. Hudson was born on Good Friday and what a good friday it was. I spent that Easter morning with just me and Hudson while Bryan went home to shower and take care of our dogs. Everyone else was at church. Those couple of hours were my first spent with just me and my little man and I fell in love even more. When Bryan came back he caught us taking a nap together it and I'm so thankful he quietly snapped a picture to capture that precious moment.

Now for some of the pictures from this year...
My baby boy

Little Precious

Hudson was not having pictures

Loves of my life

Peek A Boo Daddy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One Thing After Another

We have had quite a busy couple of months. Which explains why my blog has been slacking so bad. Quick update...For Spring Break we went to Newport Beach California with my family and soon to be sister-in-law (I'll get to that soon). We had a wonderful week of relaxation. Once Hudson adjusted to the time change everything was fantastic and the rest of the week was a breeze. Here are just a few of my fav pics..

The weekend after we got home my ornery little brother PROPOSED to his precious girlfriend Alex. Mom and I helped him decorate his house with tons of flowers, pictures and candles. The actual proposal was PRECIOUS and you will just have to ask one of them to tell you the story. After he proposed they met my family, Alex's family, and a few of their close friends at Nonna's for a celebration. We could not be more excited that Alex will be joining our family. Hudson is super duper excited that Alex will soon be his Aunt Alex. :)

Once the big engagement was over the very next weekend was Hudson's birthday. I've already posted about that so we will go to the next huge event. WE MOVED! We are now living in Bixby due to Bryan's job working for my dad. Our house here is absolutely perfect and we couldn't be happier about finding it. So far I don't hate being here lol I really dislike how far away my family is, but we have still seen them multiple times which has made the transition easier.

The weekend after we moved, my cousin Whitney got ENGAGED! It has just been the month of engagements. Her boyfriend Tyler who is one of my long time friends from high school will be joining our family next spring! Once again we couldn't be happier that our family is continually growing! Unfortunately I don't have any pics of that wonderful event. :(

So many exciting things are going on in our lives right now! We are truly blessed!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hudson's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated Hudson's 1st birthday on his actual birthday which was April 2nd. Our theme was Toy Story because he absolutely LOVES the movies. His party was at his Mimi & Popi's house since we were preparing to move. The day was filled with lots of love and good times with sweet friends and family. We had a blast and Hudson seemed to enjoy every minute. I felt truly blessed with all the people we have in our lives. I'm thankful for each and every person that is a part of Hudson's life. Thank you all for coming and for spoiling my little man more than he already is ;)

Early morning birthday present from Momma & Daddy

Birthday table

Mimi & Popi

He was a HUGE fan of the cake!

13 Months

13 months old. It still doesn't seem possible. Each and every day is a new adventure with you. You are definitely a full time job, but I wouldn't want any other job. You make each hard day better just by laughing. Even when I'm frustrated with you I can't get mad because you start laughing and I completely forget what you had been doing. I think you know that is a weakness of mine! I love you more than you will ever know...Life is so much better with you in it!

Here is what you have been up to...
*Still in the same size diapers and clothes.
*You have learned to stand up on your own without holding onto things. When you discovered this you were so proud of yourself!
*You love to dance anytime music comes on. If you had it your way you would walk around holding onto my cell phone all day with the ipod playing.
*You try to imitate anything I do, like brushing your hair, taking your temperature with the temporal thermometer, and trying to wash your hair.
*I took your shirt off one night and you headed straight for our bathtub and turned on the water and got my washcloth and put it on your head. Just another reminder you are getting so big.
*You are still drinking about 20oz of Gerber Good Start Protect Plus 2 for toddlers every day. Momma decided that the formula has a lot more vitamins that regular cows milk and it is whey protein which is so much better for you than cows milk. So even though it is more expensive I believe it is better for you and therefore completely worth it.
*You are eating three meals a day with a couple snacks in between.
*You are definitely testing your boundaries with Momma these days. Even though you know exactly what "don't touch" means, you like to push it. For instance yesterday you kept trying to touch Momma's computer cord and I kept telling you not to touch it so you stood with your little hand about two inches from it just looking at me smiling. You are just like your momma was when I was a baby...very stubborn and strong willed.
*You have know how to wave for a long time but are just starting to look at people and wave at them. If somebody waves back to you, you always start laughing.
*You are completely and utterly amused with other kids and what they are doing. If there is another kid around your attention span is gone completely. You try your best to talk to them and get their attention. You are quite the socializer and flirt for that matter.
*You have started waking up at least once in the night again. It is wearing Momma out. My only hope is supposedly it is completely normal due to everything you are learning and you are also starting to dream now.
*I know you were dreaming one day because I watched on the monitor as you let out your happy squeal and then started flopping around in your bed all with your eyes closed. A couple minutes later you were completely quiet and back asleep. I absolutely loved that I got to see it because it was adorable. I'm so thankful your dreams make you laugh! :)
*You have learned that there are certain ways your shapes go into the box and will sit and try to figure out which hole they go in until you get it right.
*Anytime I start the microwave you think I am making something for you and you get very frustrated if it isn't for you!
*You have gotten VERY good at walking and have recently started running as well.
*Every day (that it is nice outside) we go on a walk after dinner. I think it is one of your favorite parts of the day. It sure is mine! The entire time we are walking you are laughing or talking and pointing at everything you see saying dis...I think that is your word for this. And every time I tell you what dis is! :) Love these moments with you.
*You are getting all four of your one year molars. The bottom right and top left have both poked through and we are waiting on the other two. Because of how much your teeth are hurting you have been extremely fussy the last couple of weeks which is totally unlike you!!!
*Every morning and after every nap I sing a song I made up for you that goes "Goodmorning (afternoon) sunshine, did you sleep good??" The smile that appears on your face literally makes my heart smile every single time.
*You still love to read your books and like listening to me read to you more and more each day.
*You started to learn to jump. Each time you squat down and then bounce back up. Half the time you bounce up with so much enthusiasm you fall over. Whenever you start to jump we jump with you and usually it leads to you getting the hiccups you start laughing so hard!
*We have dance parties quite often and once again usually you get the hiccups from laughing so hard.
*You still say Momma, Dada, fishies, dog, this (dis), and you are trying to say truck, duck and knock knock.
*You love playing ball with Mowgli now. You throw it and he runs to get it then you walk over to him and bend down and pick it up and throw it again. So sweet. The other day you were playing with him and he had the ball so you walked over and sat down, took the ball and held it up to your head. Then you held it up to his head and started making your barking sound. (You try to imitate the dogs barking.)
*Momma will leave her bedroom window open just alittle bit for you and the dogs will stick their noses in and you squat down to talk to them and reach out your little hand so they can lick it. You laugh ever time they give you kisses.

I could go on and on sweet boy. I love you more than life.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Baby

Happy 1st Birthday!!! My sweet baby Hudson I can't believe it has already been a year. This last year has definitely been the BEST year of my life. When you were born I was taken to a whole new level of being able to love. It is a love thats unconditional and overwhelming!! God has given me a glimpse of just how much he loves us. You light up my life every single day and I am truly blessed to be able to spend my days with you. I can't even imagine having to work and leave you with somebody else. Our time together is so precious to me. I am thankful every single day that God trusted me enough to be your Momma. I love you sweet boy!

Here is what you have been up to...

*At your 1 year check up you weighed 23lbs 10oz which put you in the 50th percentile and you are 31.5 inches tall which is the 95th percentile. You are such a skinny little thing.
*Size 4 Cruisers
*12-18 Month clothes except we are about to have to go up to 18-24 Months in your pants cause they are getting too short.
*You still go to bed between 8-9 and wake up between 6-7 and you are still taking 2 naps a day between 1.5-2 hours
*You say several words including Momma, Dada, Daddy, fishies, and you try to say duck and dog.
*We went on a trip over Spring Break to Newport Beach California and you did wonderfully! Such a good little traveler.
*The biggest change this month is you are climbing on EVERYTHING!!
*You got a car for your birthday and while i was out of the room I heard you driving it and came in to find you had driven it across the living room over to the fridge and were playing with your toy that goes on the fridge door. :) Funny little man.
*You are talking ALL the time now. Not that we can understand much of it but you sure do have a very strong opinion on a lot of things.
*You love spending lots of time playing with your toys and reading your books.
*You love sitting in Mommies lap watching tv at night when you are tired.
*We moved to Bixby right after your first birthday and you have adjusted to our new house wonderfully.
*Your favorite past time is to unload things. It doesn't matter what just anything you can take out of where it goes.
*You absolutely love to sit at the window and talk to the doggies.
*Anytime someone talks to you, you smile and lean your head over on your shoulder and start acting shy. Its absolutely darling.
*You still only have 4 teeth.
*You love to dance when music comes on and it is absolutely adorable. Whenever you start dancing you start stomping your left leg just like your dad does. Hilarious

Can't wait for the next year to see everything new you will learn every day! Love you baby. Life is so much better with you in it!
