Thursday, October 25, 2012

2 1/2 Years of Love

    To simply say that I love you is inadequate. I had no idea how incomplete my life was until I held you for the very first time. Every minute with you has given my life a new meaning and a purpose. The last two and a half years have literally flown by. We will be welcoming your baby brother Grayson into the world any time and it seems like just yesterday I was anxiously awaiting your arrival. Waiting for you was like waiting an eternity. All my life I had wanted to be a Mom. I had no idea just how destined I was to be a mom and to be your mom. I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity to be a Mother, but not just to any child, to you. Being your Momma has been the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me but it has also been the hardest thing I have ever done. I never realized how my heart really could live outside of my body. Watching you go through your tonsillectomy and all the pain and discomfort almost killed me. My heart physically hurt like it has never hurt before. While I have hurt in your times of pain I have also been overjoyed almost every single day at something you have done. I love every single thing about you. I can’t kiss you enough. I can’t hear you laugh enough. I am the luckiest person in the world because you are mine.
Since I missed your 2 year letter, here are a few things you have been up to lately.
-At your 2 ½ year checkup you weighed 32 pounds (75th%) and were 39 inches tall (over 100%) You have always been long and lean.

-You are wearing size 5 diapers and we are going to start potty training very soon. Due to the lack of communication and the fact that baby brother is almost here we have waited longer than I wanted to originally but it hasn’t been a big deal. You are now very interested in the potty and will sit on it and pretend to wipe when you think you are done. You just haven’t actually gone on the potty yet.

-You are wearing all 3T clothes now. You started wearing 3T shirts around your 2nd birthday cause of the length of them, but wore 2T shorts all summer because you are so stinking skinny. Now that you are in pants you have to wear 3T pants cause you are so tall and they fall off of you. Thank goodness Baby Gap still has adjustable waist in your size because they have to be synched all the way up.

-My absolute favorite thing to do is watch you act out movies. You will imitate every single thing they do on the movie and it is absolutely hysterical! You LOVE watching movies.

-The only thing I think you love more than a movie is playing outside. Momma has learned to live with lots of flies in the house because you want to be out as much as you possibly can and therefore I can never get anything done unless I leave the door open and check on your every couple of minutes.

-You have just started to enjoy playing by yourself. Up until now you have wanted me to do everything with you. While this is a nice break for me it also makes me sad cause I miss those times with you. Just part of you growing up I guess.

-You are now saying about 50 words and communicating is sooo much easier now. The combination of your ears and not being able to hear and then your tonsils being so swollen that they almost touched made it almost impossible for you to talk. You came up with your own language (which is hysterical) and the hardest part is getting you to want to talk in our language J Your speech therapist has said that you make every consinent and vowel sound there is you just have to have the desire. We think that has finally happened and you are starting to repeat lots of things we say.

-Your diet has finally started to improve since you got your tonsils out. Dr. Santos believed that you were so picky because your food had to squeeze through your tonsils every time you swallowed. How annoying and uncomfortable. No wonder you ate like a bird. Now you will try more foods and your list of foods you like is finally starting to grow. You still love your nutrigain bars, cheezits, chips and fries the best though. The best thing you have added to your diet is Chick fil A chicken nuggets. Even though they are fried it is about the only time you will eat meat so we live with the fried chicken J

- You are to the stage where you want to do everything we are doing especially if its something your Daddy is doing. If he is outside chances are you are outside trying to imitate him or digging in the dirt.

-The way you love your Daddy melts my heart. Every time I see you run to him after you haven’t seen him all day makes me almost tear up. You two have such a special, silly, and fun relationship. I think your favorite part of the day is when he gets home so you can wrestle and act like a wild Indian.

-I have had a hard time lately because I haven’t been able to do near as much stuff with you due to all the issues with this pregnancy. We didn’t get to do all the fun things I had in mind for this summer like going to the zoo and park because I couldn’t lift you and go without someone else. However all the moments we have snuggled on the couch and watched movies when I’m not feeling good have been perfect. I wouldn’t change them for the world. Next summer we will have lots and lots of fun I promise.

-You absolutely love your dogs. Right now as I’m typing this I’m watching you out the window standing at the fence talking to them as they stand there and wag. They love you just as much as you love them. Emma is by far your favorite because she is so calm with you. The other morning you were following her all over the house. At one point I looked towards our bedroom and she was laying with her front legs on the wood floor and the rest of her in the bedroom and you were laying on your stomach propped up on your elbows right next to her watching me make breakfast. Precious moments I hope to never forget. One of your other favorite things is taking her on a walk around the neighborhood. You hold her leash and everything and think you are such big stuff. Emma is laying right by you right now as youre playing in the dirt. She loves and protects you.

-You got your big boy bed sometime this spring. The first few nights you did great, but then started waking up terrified and screaming for almost an hour at a time before we could calm you down. One of us started sleeping with you and that fixed everything except now that’s what you want. We have to break that habit soon. However some of my favorite recent memories with you are laying in your bed and you talking to me at night and snuggling as you go to sleep. You are the best snuggle bug around. I haven’t rushed the issue because I know one day I will miss laying in bed snuggling with you and you will think I’m crazy cause you are all grown up. Just know you will always be my baby.

Every second with you is treasured and I can’t even begine to imagine what I would do every day without you. I think I need a break sometimes and after being gone 30 minutes I miss you and am ready to be back with you. I’m sure having your little brother is going to totally change and rock your world. I just hope you never ever forget how much we love and adore you and another sibling will never change that. Give it a few years and your brother will turn into your very best friend. I can’t wait to see the relationship the two of you will have. I love you more than words. Life is so much better with you in it!