Sweet boy,
The fact that you are almost one year old is about to make Mommy have a melt down. I just can't believe how fast this year is going. Momma missed your 9 month update so this one may be a little long. :)
Here's what you have been up to the last couple of months...
*You are still in Size 4 diapers
*12-18 Month clothes
*You are eating 6 ounces of milk in the morning and at night and then 4 ounces three times during the day. Plus the biggest change is you now are eating 3 meals a day plus anything and everything we give you to try. You also are still eating once in the night.
*Bedtime is still between 8-9pm and you usually wake up between 6-6:45am.
*You take your morning nap around 9am and usually sleep for 1.5-2 hours and then go back down around 1pm for 1.5-3 hours. If it is a shorter nap you will usually take a cat nap around dinner.
*I'm so glad that you are letting me hold you to drink your milk again. Most of the time you want to be partially sitting up but I will take that any day over laying you down to drink it.
*The only food you don't like is sweet potatoes which is weird for us because it was our go to food for your brother.
*Here are some of your favorite foods right now. Cheerios, Cheezits, goldfish, eggs, cheese, grapes, chicken nuggets, black beans. You have tried all sorts of things like French fries, bananas, watermelon, pickles, vanilla wafers. So far we haven't tried veggies except for in your baby food. Momma hasn't made all of your food like I did for Hudson because frankly who has time for that with two kids.
*On 8-26 you got your second top right tooth, and on 8-29 you got the left one. You now have 6 teeth altogether.
*The last week of August you started army crawling all over the house. You had been army crawling for a couple weeks but stayed in the living room because you were too scared to venture off. I have now found you all over the house.
*The first week of September you started pulling up on everything!!
*You have become quite the little clapper. Anytime we say yay or you get excited you clap.
*You say Momma, Dada, Bubba and try your hardest to say dog.
*9-7 was the first time you crawled on all fours and it was only a couple of feet to Momma.
*9-9 you have started crawling on all fours longer distances. You still havent quite figured it out yet so if you want to get somewhere quicker you drop down to your belly and take off. :)
*You had your first big accident when you fell out of Mommy and Daddy's bed on 8-30. You had a big goose egg and bruised your left eye as well. Absolutely broke Mommy's heart.
*We usually rock you to sleep now while you drink your last bottle. It is my absolute favorite time of the day. I will always cherish those moments of you sleeping in my arms.
*You love to cruise all over the place in your walker. Within a week you were able to go forwards and backwards.
*I boxed up your swing, Mamaroo, jumparoo, bouncer and all other items that used to keep you contained. You learned how to escape out of them or just screamed while in them.
*You get soooo excited when someone you love walks in the room. Melts my heart.
*Everyone calls you smiley because you are happy 99% of the time.
*Even though you are happy most of the time that 1% that you are mad you can be a little bear. No one sees that side except Mommy and Daddy and man oh man you have quite the temper little guy.
*We had quite the battle the other day for you to take a nap (you were overtired) and once you fell asleep in my arms I sat in the rocker with you and started thinking about the day you were born. I remember going to the doctor with no expectations of meeting you that day. When she said it was time I started crying because I was so ecstatic. I sat and thought about the whole day. Having to lay on my left side cause you were having a hard time, how fast you came when it was time, and that first time I got to hold you. Those are moments that are etched so tightly in my heart I can relive them like it happened 5 minutes ago. Then once everyone went home, your Daddy went home with Bubba, and Mimi went home to grab her stuff to come back up to the hospital, they brought you back to me. I remember it was just the two of us for almost 45 minutes. You laid in my arms with your little eyes wide open just listening while I talked to you. I told you how long I had waited for you, how cherished you are, how God was heavenly Daddy and he had loaned you to us and we were beyond thankful, that your daddy and brother also loved you more than you would ever know. Those 45 minutes will always be some of my favorite time with you.
*Whenever music comes on you sit on your bottom and bounce around to the music. So cute!!
*You love to sit and listen to your Daddy play his guitar. I think you would sit there as long as he played!
*Your favorite toys are not yours, but your brothers. You love his Jake & the Neverland Pirate stuff and his Little People Farm.
*You pulled a first for Momma and ate the top of a ketchup packet. I found it the next day in your diaper.
*Mickey Mouse is still the only tv show you will give more than 2 seconds of your time.
*Nanny got you and Hudson a bunny for Easter that sings a song and you have decided its the coolest thing ever. Every time it comes on you clap your hands and dance along with it.
Right now as I'm typing this you are pulling on my chair trying to stand up and just jabbering away. I can't even adequately describe how much you are loved. You are pure joy. Our hearts just overflow each and every day with you. We are beyond blessed God chose us to be your parents! Keep smiling little one. The world is so much better with you in it!
Love you with all my heart and more,