Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Gray 2 Months

Grayson Daniel,

I can't believe it has already been two months since you joined our family. You are truly a light in our lives and we absolutely adore everything about you. Every moment with you is cherished and I can't wait for billions more. Your big blue eyes melt my heart over and over. I love you my little one.

-You are still comfortably in newborn diapers. We just moved you up to 0-3 month clothes this week. While you could still wear newborn clothes because of weight you are too long now!

-You eat every 3 hours usually and are now eating 5 ounces at each meal little piggy :)

-At night you go a 5-6 hour stretch without eating and then another 4 hours after that. Even though that's pretty dang good for a baby your age Momma was spoiled cause brother was already sleeping 8 hours.

- Weeks 5 & 6 were really rough on Mommy & Daddy. It seemed like all you did was cry because your tummy hurt. At first we thought you might have a milk allergy so momma got off all dairy. You seemed to do better and then we thought it might be eggs as well. So momma got off eggs. Oh the things I will do for you! :) It finally seemed like we were making progress. Then the Friday before Christmas you literally had cried all day long. Just to be safe we went to the doctor that afternoon to make sure it wasn't your ears since you had been stuffy that week. The doctor said your ears were fine but were concerned about your weight. At almost 8 weeks old you only weighed 7.6lbs which meant you hadn't even gained a pound since birth. Instead of nursing they suggested Momma pump all weekend and give you 3.5 ounces every 3-4 hours. If I didn't get enough breast milk I supplemented with formula. On Christmas Eve morning we headed back to the doctor. You gained 8 oz in three days!!! So relieved!! After talking about it with the doctor and your daddy this is what was happening. You weren't sleeping good during the day so nursing put you right to sleep. Even though momma was making almost enough milk I don't think you we're drinking it all you sleepy head. We went back after another three days and you gained another 8 ounces and at almost 9 weeks old weigh a whopping 8.6lbs!
-Right around 7 weeks old you started smiling. You have been smiling since then day you were born but these were different. These are the smiles that say I know it's you and I'm so happy to see you! There is nothing sweeter than the first smiles of my precious boys! I will never forget them.

-You love sitting in your bouncer with the vibration on. You HATE your car seat unless Momma sits in the back with you and holds your hand. You tolerate your Mamaroo at certain times of the day. You are very opinionated and spoiled.

-Every morning while Momma makes breakfast you sit in your bouncer and talk to me. Hearing your sweet coos and seeing that gummy grin will never get old.

-You love taking baths with Momma cause you love being all the way down in the water.

-Your brother is extremely loud all of the time and surprisingly you sleep through it most of the time.

-You look so much like your brother it is scary. However you have Momma's shaped face and your eyes are shaped more like your Daddy. Other than that the two of you look almost identical at this stage.

Mommy & Daddy absolutely adore you and nothing will ever change that. Stay precious little one! We love you more than words. Life is so much better with you in it!

Your Adoring Mommy

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