I didn't really think my first blog would be titled burglars, however, after yesterdays experience there wasn't a better title. Yesterday Hudson decided he was going to go on a sleep strike. So from about 12:45pm-3:45pm I tried to get him to take a nap. He refused. Although I couldn't leave him alone he was perfectly content just laying in bed with me as long as I didn't try to put him down. Finally around 3:45 he fell asleep in my lap. Sometime between 4 and 4:15 the doorbell rang. When I am home by myself I usually never answer the door but look out of our peep hole and then go on doing whatever I was doing. Well by the third ring I went to look cause the dogs were barking and I was afraid they were going to wake Hudson up. I looked out the peep hole and I could tell it was a really tall black guy and his back was to my front door and there was a van in front of my mail box. At this point Hudson had woken up and I was starting to get alittle nervous. Then he started pounding on my front door and rang the doorbell a total of 9 times. Thanks to the thunder my precious doggies were in the house with me and Emma was the only one out of her bed because she is scared of thunder. She went running to the door barking and growling and he left. I was on the phone with Bryan at this point and he was like well try to go peek out the window and see if you can see them. They were both sitting in their van in front of the driveway. Then they started to back up in front of my neighbors house and the passenger got out again and started walking up to their house. So Bryan was asking me what all they were wearing and once I started describing them to him he told me to get off the phone, call the police and he would be there as soon as he could. Thankfully he only works about 5 minutes from our house. Anyway I went to our guest bedroom and dialed 911. When I was first telling the operator what was happening I saw the passenger wave to the driver to come up there. So the driver backed the van up to their house and at that exact same moment I heard him kick their door down. Because they backed into the driveway I was able to get their license plate and give it to the lady and she said she had officers in route but to stay on the phone with her. About 30 seconds later they ran out with what I thought was a small flat screen and jumped in the car and left. When I got off the phone with 911 I went and tried to call Bryan and it wouldn't go through so I called my mom. As soon as she answered I fell apart. While I was on the phone with her I saw my neighbor across the street who I'm good friends with outside of her house wiping her face so I went to talk to her. They had done the exact same thing at her house and her dog scarred them away. Then she watched them at my house and said after banging awhile he had waved for the driver to back in. I'm sure all of this happened right as Emma ran to the door barking and growling and she said he ran down the sidewalk and jumped in the car. She then saw everything that happened at the neighbors and was on the phone with the police as well. Bryan arrived shortly after and the police a couple minutes after he got home.
I just can't stop thinking about the what if's? What would I have done if he had busted down my door and I was standing there with Hudson? What would he have tried to do? Would he have run away, beat the crap out of me, raped me? Who knows???
More than anything I have been thankful beyond belief. My God who is MY Protector was watching out for me and Hudson yesterday. I was looking up verses on protection and Psalm 91:1-2 & Psalm 32:7 really stood out to me.
Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
God sent the thunder storm yesterday so my sweet Emma would be in the house and bark at just the right time. The entire time she was growling and I kept telling her to be quiet. She wouldn't listen. Now I know why! :) My precious little puppy that I rescued from the animal shelter was my guardian angel yesterday. The bond I have with her was already crazy and anyone that knows me and has met Emma can see it. However after yesterday I know without a shadow of doubt that God let me find her on the internet and get yelled at by my parents for bringing home a smelly little puppy all for a divine purpose. God gave her to me for a reason and I will forever be grateful.
On a happier note I just spoke to the police and they were about to bust the guys. They found their van and had me describe the guys to them one more time. I will sleep alittle easier tonight knowing they are in jail where they are supposed to be.
Never take things for granted or think that it could never happen to you. I thought that way up until yesterday. I always gave people the benefit of the doubt and apparently in today's society in that sort of situation you can't. I am so thankful for my God who is my protector and for my sweet Emma!!!!
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