Thursday, November 4, 2010

7 Months

Hudson Joshua

The last 7 months have absolutely flown by! Every time I look at your baby pictures I wish you would never grow up. Then I turn around and you are laughing and trying to crawl and I'm reminded how precious each and every moment with you is! I can't wait to see how you continue to grow and change! We love you baby boy!

Here's what you have been up to...

*On top of everything you were eating last month you are now eating green beans, peaches, avocados and will be starting zucchini later this week. You are still quite the eater and are continuing to grow everyday!
*You are now wearing all 6-9 Month clothes
*Still size 3 Cruisers
*Your bedtime now ranges from 7:30-9pm. Mommy likes this schedule much better!
*You are sleeping all night and then right before your morning bottle Mommy puts you in bed with us for our morning snuggles! It's my favorite part of the day!
*You laugh in your sleep ALL the time! I'm pretty sure there isn't anything sweeter!
* The ONLY way you will stop crying almost instantly is if I sing to you. However you only like 5 songs right now :) The words I would say, God gave me you, Never grow up, I love you more, and Until you! If I try to sing something else you usually start crying again!
*You still LOVE to play 'Where's Hudson'
*Yesterday you started pulling your knees up under you and standing up with you feet so your little bottom is up in the air. Just one more step towards crawling.
*You also grabbed on to Momma's shirt yesterday and stood up on your own.
* Two nights ago you realized you can barrel roll and now wont stay in once place for more than two seconds.
*You are now learning sign language for 'more' on top of the other words you know.
*It is now challenging to change your diaper cause you want to roll away.
*I got you a piano and a workbench and they are your new favorite toys.
*You were sick this week with a terrible cold and this is the first week you have actually slept in your swing. Thats right you never even would go to sleep in it as a newborn! Thankfully you did cause it helped you breath so much better.
*You don't want to lay down to drink your bottle anymore you think you need to sit up. If mommy or daddy has a drink while you are drinking your bottle you stop and reach for our drink.
*We have changed your bath time from every other night to every morning because we have soooooo much fun!
*You have almost gotten to big to be in your bouncer which is very sad because you LOVE sitting in it.
*We will be getting you a new car seat this month because your legs hang out of your old one.
*Your bad dreams have seemed to go away and I pray over you every night before I leave you in your bed.

Hudson you are our pride and joy! Life wouldn't be the same without you!

1 comment:

  1. Reading your posts seriously makes me want to cry. He is going to love reading these when he gets older! You're such a good mom, Erica!
