Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 Months

9 Months Old

My sweet little man,
You have blessed my life more this month than ever before. Watching you learn something new every day has truly been heart warming. Here are just a few of the things you have been up to...

*At your 9 Month appointment you weighed 21.8 pounds and are 30 inches tall. Which puts you in the 50th percentile for weight and 97th for height. Good thing you got your Daddy's height genes. :)
*You weigh size 3 Pampers Cruisers and size 4 at night.
*You are wearing all 12-18 month clothes because you are so stinking tall.
*You have started eating broccoli, and chicken. I am making you asparagus this week and possible something else.
*Yesterday you started saying Momma and last night I was laying in bed with you and you laid your little hand on my face and said "Momma Momma" Sweetest thing I've ever heard!
*Last Sunday you started trying to pull up on everything and just one week later you are a pro. You will now walk along whatever you pulled up on to something else.
*Two days ago you started crawling out of no where. We were absolutely convinced that you would go straight to walking. I was sitting in the chair talking to your Daddy on the phone and you crawled to me from the middle of the room.
*We have retired your Jumperoo (very sad day), and swing.
*This last week you had your second ear infection. Hopefully you wont get anymore. :(
*On December 27th Momma felt your first tooth. And this last week your second one came through.
*We have lowered your crib to the bottom and you can still see over and stand up in it your so tall.
*You love to snuggle with Momma before you go to sleep and it is my favorite part of the day.
*We have put away lots of your baby toys because our house now looks like a toy store after Christmas. You were very spoiled this Christmas.
*You are still the most vocal little 9 Month old I have ever been around. Except when there are people you don't know then you are as quiet as a mouse.
*One of your favorite things is sitting in your car (walker) at the dogs gate and talking to them and letting them lick your little hands.
*You broke the flap on Daddy's new BluRay player last week trying to pull up on it. So now the TV is on a wall mount and the cable box/BluRay player or out of your reach completely.
*Mommy got her new camera for Christmas and now takes pictures of you more than I used to. You are a wonderful subject to photograph.
*You cruise around the house in your car constantly and get into EVERYTHING.
*We were alittle behind on the baby proofing and had to do it all at once yesterday.
*You love your new carseat and being able to see out. We also got you a DVD player and so you sit back there and happily watch your movies.
*Mimi is still one of your favorite people and she can make you laugh more than just about anyone.
*You sleep about 11-12 hours every night and still take short naps about every 2-2 1/2 hours.

This last week you have grown up so much. You are turning into a precious little boy and not my tiny baby. We love you more than you will ever know! Life is so much better with you in it!!!


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