I really can't believe you are already a year and a half old. It just doesn't seem possible! Every night I wonder how we made it through the day and you are still all in once piece. You are the wildest, most on the go little boy I have EVER been around. I guess Mimi & Popi weren't kidding when they said I would pay for my raising! You are more and more like me every day. Very persistent, stubborn, and passionate. Thankfully you are also just like your Daddy in so many ways too. You have his ornery side and always want to have fun and be goofy. You keep us laughing every single day! We love you more than you will ever be able to comprehend well at least until you have kids of your own ;)
Here is what you have been up to lately!
*Still size 4 diapers. Hopefully we will start potty training in a couple of months. You already have a potty but would rather try to stand on it than use it for what it actually is for! :)
*We are starting to buy you all 18-24 month clothes. The shirts still swallow you, but you are soooooo stinking tall that you have to have them for your height!
*You have four bottom teeth, 3 on top and all your molars. Your other incisor and all four canines are coming in as we speak and they are making you rather fussy!
*You eat three meals a day plus snacks. You will no longer eat ANYTHING that even resembles baby food (yogurt, jello to name a couple) Your all time favorites are chips, fries and ketchup (just like Momma). It has been a real struggle lately to get you to eat healthy things because all you want are carbs lol
*We had to retire your high chair because you refused to sit in it. You now sit in a booster seat pushed up to the table like a big kid with your own placemat and everything. You think you are such hot stuff.
*You absolutely LOVE to play outside. I think you would live out there if Momma let ya!
*Other than playing with your toys you are crazy about reorganizing things! If I leave the fridge or panty open for a second too long you will rearrange the entire thing in the way you think everything should be placed. It's not a battle I have chosen to fight with you and actually enjoy sitting and watching you think about where you want to put things.
*You still love to read your books and will sit on your floor and read every single book until you have emptied your bookshelf.
*Every day (if its not raining) Momma raises your bedroom window so you can talk to the doggies. You will stand there and talk to them for a long time and anytime they bark you run to the window and tell them to stop. So cute.
*We have yet to give up your pacis completely. Once again another battle we have chosen not to fight yet. You are allowed to have them only at nap time or when you go to bed at night.
*Your toy chest is close to your bed and now you will try to climb onto it and then into your crib. Thankfully you haven't tried to climb out yet.
*Every night before you go to bed Daddy brings you in and kisses you goodnight and then Momma rocks you while you drink your milk. Then I pray for you and kiss you and lay you down. Usually you don't make a peep after that and go right to sleep!
*You are a dancing machine!!! Anytime you hear any kind of music for any length of time you start dancing! It is the most joyous thing to watch.
*You have become quite the flirt when we are out and about and everyone stops to tell you how cute you are and talk to you. I can tell you eat it up!
*I feel like we have hit the terrible twos every so often. You don't throw fits all that often but when you do OH MAN. Its best to leave you alone and they end within a minute or two.
*Watching you learn every day is my favorite thing! Here are a couple of examples...You first started out giving open mouth kisses and now close your little lips to give kisses. You have also learned how to give hugs and they are almost as precious as your kisses. Last night Momma got on the ladder and changed your light bulb that was out in your bedroom and this morning you found the old light bulb and took it straight to your room and held it up in the air at your light fixture. So smart.
*You love the hair dryer now. Used to you were very afraid of it and now you beg me to turn it on so you can play with it. Cracks Momma up!
*You love for Momma to sing songs to you like Patty Cake, Intsy weensy spider, Head & Shoulders, and any other song I make up!
*Your new favorite movie is Rio. I swear you could watch it all day long on repeat and never get tired of it.
*You attempt to say soooo many words now its hard to keep track. Here's my best shot....fishies, doggies, dog, up, buh bye, got it, you got it, pwease, dada, daddy, dad, that, this, I know there are more but Mommy's brain is tired :)
* You are a monkey. You attempt to climb on anything and everything that can possibly be climbed on and some things that can not. It is quite a challenge.
*You will go to the tupperware drawer (the only one your allowed to play in) and get out one of Momma's big hospital jugs and take it and it's straw over to the fridge and fill it up with water, then bring it to me so I can get the lid and put it all together. The first time you did it I thought I was loosing it and then you continued to do it almost every day.
*Everything can turn into drum sticks and you pound on anything you can.
*You literally talk all day long every when no one has any idea what you are saying.
*Every time we leave to go anywhere you try to set the alarm, then you open the garage door for me. When we get home you close the garage door, then the door into the house and try to turn off the alarm.
*Basically anything we do, you think you can do to!
I'm pretty sure I could go on and on and on about all the wonderful things you do every single day, but I'll stop for tonight. You are our world and it just wouldn't be the same without you! We love you to the moon and back! Life is so much better with you in it! XOXO
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