Friday, January 4, 2013

Grayson Daniel's Birth Story

My pregnancy with Grayson was anything but normal or easy. After having my second baby and absolutely adoring my children and still considering having more I feel like I can admit this. I HATE being pregnant. With Hudson I felt almost guilty for feeling like that. So many people I know just "love" being pregnant and "they have never felt better". Well for lack of being able to put it nicely I want to tell those people to shove it. It doesn't mean I'm not happy for them and thankful they aren't going through all the nonsense I experience I am just so darn jealous!

Anyway now that we have that out of the way, lets continue. Grayson was kind of a surprise baby just like Hudson. In both cases we were planning on trying to have a baby within a few months but it was obvious God had His own plans. After being two days late I was completely stressed one Sunday afternoon. Not stressed in a bad way but second guessing if I could possibly be pregnant. This had happened to us once in the past where we thought we might be pregnant and three or four days later we found out we weren't. After all afternoon of Bryan being able to tell I was going to lose my mind he told me to go to the store and get a test. On my way there I seriously was thinking I'm glad I'm getting this out of the way so I don't get my hopes up or anything. Well what a surprise when I saw that positive line a little while later!
I walked out calmly and showed it to Bryan. I will never forget the look on his face, I wish I had had my camera. We were both shocked but oh so excited! We were supposed to be meeting my family for dinner at Ghengis Grill in about 45 minutes and I had to figure out a way to tell them. I couldn't hold it in any longer. It was March 11th and exactly a week before my dads birthday so we decided to get him a cookie cake and write on it Happy Birthday Popi Love Hudson & Baby #2. All was going according to plan until Hudson decided to have one of his meltdowns in the restaurant and Bryan took him to the car. The cookie cake was sitting in the floor board and the heater was on sooooo the icing started to melt. Oops. After dinner we took them to the car and gave Dad the cake. All they could read was Love Hudson and didn't know what the rest said. Finally they saw what it said and my mom and Alex started crying. Lots of screaming and laughing and crying went on after that. We told the rest of our families a couple of weeks later just to make sure everything was going smoothly.

I spent the first 3 months of the pregnancy sick as a dog. Just like with Hudson I never threw up but felt like I could every single minute it seemed like. I ended up getting some medicine from my doctor and took it sparingly but when I did I felt like a new person. At 11 weeks we took Hudson to Disney World and thankfully that week I felt pretty good especially with the medicine. I went to the doctor for my 12 week visit when we got home and during the ultrasound I ask if she could tell if it was a boy or girl even though it was really really early. As soon as she got the right view I could tell instantly it was another boy. She said she was almost positive it was a boy but to not paint the nursery yet just cause it was so early. We didn't tell anyone in case she was wrong but deep down I knew she was 100% correct. When I went in for my 19 week appointment it was confirmed that it was definitely a little boy! Even though we wanted a little girl and still do :) we were absolutely ecstatic it was another ornery boy! This momma sure does love her boys! The day before the appointment I had purchased two outfits one that said Little Brother and one that said Little Sister. I took pictures of them and wrote on them Hudson is going to have a ______. Once I left the doctor I called Bryan and then my parents and then sent out the text to everyone else.

Shortly after we got the confirmation we made a definite decision on his name. Whenever we had Hudson our second favorite name was Grayson and we had said since then that if we had another boy we would name him Grayson. At that point we had no idea what his middle name would be. I wanted my boys to have strong biblical names but didn't necessarily want them to be their first names so I started trying to find something that went well with Grayson. We decided on Daniel. Daniel means God is my judge and worshipper of God. It was perfect.

Around 21 weeks I started having contractions. I had pre term nonsense with Hudson also but it didn't start until 28 weeks. I think because of having to take care of a crazy toddler they started much sooner this time. From that point on I was miserable most of the time. I tried my best to stay positive but had a really really hard time. I kept feeling like I was hurting Hudson by not getting to do anything fun with him all summer or anything at all for that matter. Most of the pregnancy I was stuck on the couch or in bed because as soon as I did anything it brought on the contractions. At 32 weeks we ended up in the hospital cause the contractions had gotten so close together. Then again at 34 weeks. The hospital staff was acting like I was crazy until they hooked me up to the monitor and saw I was having contractions every minute and a half. This went on through the rest of the pregnancy. I had contractions every 2-10 minutes constantly.

Finally on October 27th-28th they just wouldn't let up from being every 3-5 minutes. They kept me up all night on Sunday night and by Monday morning I was physically and emotionally exhausted. At 5 I got up and sat in a warm bath for an hour and when Bryan got up at 6:30 I told him he was gonna have to stay home at least until my mom could come over. My dad was supposed to be leaving for Las Vegas at 1 that day and so we had to figure out what to do. Once I told my mom the contractions had kept me up all night she wanted me to call the doctor cause this was the first time I couldn't fall asleep. The doctors office told me to go to Labor and Delivery which I knew was going to happen and then after a few hours they would tell me to take it easy and drink a lot of water. My doctors nurse called me back a few minutes later and said she had talked to my doctor and since I had been having this happen for so long she wanted to see me before sending me to the hospital again. Mom came over and got me and we headed to the doctor. When I got there the nurse took my blood pressure and said it was really high. I didn't think anything of it other than it was probably from being up all weekend and feeling so miserable. Before my doctor came in I told my mom wouldn't it be wonderful if she said lets go ahead and have this baby, but I knew I was crazy cause I was only 37 1/2 weeks. My doctor came in and checked to see if I was dilated and I was a two and my blood pressure was still really high. The next thing she said was "I think its time to have this baby today!" What a relief. As soon as she left the room my mom and I both started crying. 9 long months and it was finally time to meet our sweet boy. I called Bryan who was at home with Hudson and he packed our bags and met us at the hospital.

After a couple of hours I got my epidural and settled in to wait for baby Gray to decide he was ready. Hudson missed his nap and so around 4 he left with my mom so he could take a nap in the car. Well my parents switched drivers and when Hudson woke up with my dad in the car he freaked out. He continued having a huge meltdown from lack of sleep and just wanting me to hold him. At this point I couldn't hold him. :( They had me laying in weird positions and with an oxygen mask because Gray's heart rate wasn't staying steady. Finally Bryan and his mom left with Hudson and he fell right to sleep in the car. I wasn't progressing nearly as fast as I was hoping and around 7pm I was only a 5. Bryan was driving around with Hudson and my Aunt Jetta had gone to Chick Fil A to get dinner for everyone. The nurse told me it usually takes an hour for every centimeter dilated. We figured we had until 11pm at least. My doctor came in again around 7;30 to check before she went home for a little bit and I was an 8. I ask if Bryan needed to come back and she goes "Um yes like now" He rushed back while his precious Mom continued to drive Hudson around and when Bryan got upstairs around 7:35 I was a 9 and the doctor said it was about time to push. Mid bite of his chick fil she checked again and I was a 10 so she wanted me to have a couple practice pushes. They ask me to hold my legs which were completely numb at this point and so I was like "Babe can you come help please. This was at 7:40. After 6 pushes and at 7:51pm on October 29th Grayson Daniel was born. What a perfect bundle of joy. He weighed 6lbs and 8oz just like his brother and was 19 1/2 inches.

The rest of the evening was kind of a blur between all the picture taking and family loving on our sweet baby. By the way at this time our family was all taking turns driving my precious sleeping toddler around the hospital. When they moved me to my room Bryan left to take Hudson home and my mom went home to get some stuff before coming back to spend the night with me and Grayson. While everyone was gone they brought Grayson back to me. Those first couple of hours with just me a my boy will never be forgotten. What a precious time to spend with just him in the quiet hospital room. I will forever cherish that time we had.

My precious family became a family of 4 and I am even more outnumbered, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I am head over heals in love with my three boys.

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