My precious boy,
The last four months have gone by in the blink of an eye. You light up our lives every single day with your precious smile and darling giggle. I'm sitting here looking at your newborn picture as my screen saver and it just seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the first time. I really can't imagine our lives without you. Here is what you have been up to lately...
-Size 2 diapers
-Last time I weighed you, you weighed 14.4lbs. You have grown sooo much in a short time. Even though we feel like you are huge, its only because you were so so tiny for so long. You have finally caught up with the size you should be :-)
-You are wearing size 3-6 month clothes and honestly they are getting too short for you. Yikes. You are going to be tall and skinny like your brother and Daddy.
-You rub your eyes when you start getting tired and it is so stinking cute.
-Whenever you are tired all I have to do is lay you down in your snuggle nest and you roll onto your side and go right to sleep. This is so strange for Momma cause your brother was so hard to get to sleep.
-Speaking of sleep, you are going to sleep at night around 7-8 and sleep until 7 the next morning. Once again this is such a shock for me cause your brother was never a good sleeper.
-When you coo my heart melts. You will sit and talk to me for as long as I will babble back. I was watching you tonight and when I'm talking to you, you just stare at my mouth like you are trying to figure out how to say the things I'm saying.
-You absolutely adore your big brother already. Anytime he is within eye sight he is all you watch or talk to. I really don't think there is anything that makes my heart as happy as seeing the way you look at him. It's absolutely precious. He loves you too and always tries to help me in any way he can when it comes to taking care of you. I'm so glad you have each other.
-Every time I take your picture you get a very serious look on your face because you are scared of the camera. If I hold it out to the side and talk to you I get the best smiles.
-When you stir in your sleep you reach for my hand cause you know I always sleep with my hand right next to you. You love holding onto my finger as you sleep.
-Whenever I change your clothes you start laughing every time. I think it's because you are so ticklish. Daddy and I love tickling you and listening to you laugh. Sweetest sound in the world.
-The first time you laughed was for Daddy and he rubbed it in my face that you laughed at him first. It's only cause he's funny looking ;-) just kidding!
-Your new favorite thing to do is lay on the floor and roll from your side to your back and watch whatever is going on around you.
-I seriously can't give you enough kisses. I kiss you all over your squishy little cheeks and the top of your head. One day you won't want Mommy to kiss you so much so I have to steal as much sugar as I can before then.
-Whenever I hold you upright and walk around you hold onto my shirt with your precious hands. It's little things like that I hope I never forget.
-You are getting your 1st TOOTH and Mommy is having a meltdown about it. I just can't believe it's time for that kinna thing already. You are still supposed to be a newborn.
-You are seriously the happiest baby I have ever been around. The only time you fuss is when you are hungry or sleepy.
God knew exactly what he was doing when he created you for us. You are the perfect addition to our little family. Your sweet, calm spirit are exactly what we needed. I so look forward to all the new things you are learning every day. While I wish time would slow down or preferably just stop, I love watching you learn about the wonderful world around you. I pray you never lose the love of learning. It will get you far in life. You are a blessing my little one. I can't imagine life without you because it's so much better with you in it. Love you more than you will ever know! Keep on smiling precious one!
Love always,