Monday, March 11, 2013

10 on the 10th

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Early morning snuggles with this little guy!

Having a baby means never ending dirty dishes

Lots of coloring has been going on at our house lately! Love my little artist!

I spent a couple of hours at church serving in Guest Services and the two year old room. Love my church! 

The boys Easter baskets came in Saturday and I got them put together. So stinking cute!

I've been drinking lots of this tea trying to increase my milk supply for little elf. 

Tonight I ordered Hudson's 3rd Birthday invitations. Very bittersweet! I honestly am in shock every time I think about him being almost 3. :-(

So glad Grayson's teething necklace came in. Today was the first day he wore it. 

Working on ideas for my upcoming diet...blah

Finished up the day with Mommy's night out and it was much needed. We always have the best time and I can tell we will all be lifelong friends. So thankful for them!! 


  1. Diet????? blegh. But good to see oatmeal on there. I have never had supply issues with either girl, but I do know my supply is better when I have oatmeal for breakfast. It's also better in the morning if I eat about a 300calorie snack at bedtime.

  2. Good tips!!! Thanks Jordan!!! I've had to supplement with both boys! It's a bummer but I'm gonna try the oatmeal! And I shouldn't really say diet while nursing...more like eating really clean and healthy. We have eaten a lot of junk food lately!
