Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One Thing After Another

We have had quite a busy couple of months. Which explains why my blog has been slacking so bad. Quick update...For Spring Break we went to Newport Beach California with my family and soon to be sister-in-law (I'll get to that soon). We had a wonderful week of relaxation. Once Hudson adjusted to the time change everything was fantastic and the rest of the week was a breeze. Here are just a few of my fav pics..

The weekend after we got home my ornery little brother PROPOSED to his precious girlfriend Alex. Mom and I helped him decorate his house with tons of flowers, pictures and candles. The actual proposal was PRECIOUS and you will just have to ask one of them to tell you the story. After he proposed they met my family, Alex's family, and a few of their close friends at Nonna's for a celebration. We could not be more excited that Alex will be joining our family. Hudson is super duper excited that Alex will soon be his Aunt Alex. :)

Once the big engagement was over the very next weekend was Hudson's birthday. I've already posted about that so we will go to the next huge event. WE MOVED! We are now living in Bixby due to Bryan's job working for my dad. Our house here is absolutely perfect and we couldn't be happier about finding it. So far I don't hate being here lol I really dislike how far away my family is, but we have still seen them multiple times which has made the transition easier.

The weekend after we moved, my cousin Whitney got ENGAGED! It has just been the month of engagements. Her boyfriend Tyler who is one of my long time friends from high school will be joining our family next spring! Once again we couldn't be happier that our family is continually growing! Unfortunately I don't have any pics of that wonderful event. :(

So many exciting things are going on in our lives right now! We are truly blessed!

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