Monday, August 31, 2015

Remi Kate 3 Months Old

My sweet girl,

I am just so crazy about you! Each day you get more precious and your personality shines just a little more each minute. Can't believe you have already been with us for 3 months! In one since it seems like you were just born and then again it feels like you've always been a part of our family.

Here is a little bit of what you've been up to..

~Size 1 diapers
~0-3 month clothes but you are almost too long for some of them. I would imagine within the next month we will make the switch to 3-6 month.
~You weigh 12 pounds
~You eat every 2-4 hours during the day. Usually in the morning and evening its every two hours then you generally take a long nap in the afternoons that is between 2-4 hours. You're still slightly unpredictable ;)
~You are sleeping great at night. Generally you go down for the night between 8-9pm and sleep until 5. Then you eat and go back to sleep until we have to take Hudson to school.
~You are like a little lizard. You are completely amused with your tongue and love sticking it out and back in, then repeat :) cracks us up
~You love sleeping in your bouncer during the day and then with Mommy & Daddy at night.
~I have a feeling you are going to end up sucking your thumb. In the night I will wake up to the sound of you sucking on your hands/fingers.
~The Hillsong Piano lullaby cd always calms you down. It doesn't surprise me cause it calms me down too!

Love you sweet baby. Keep smiling! The world is so much better with you in it!!!


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